Multiple ways to retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework

In Entity Framework, after inserting an entity into the database, you can retrieve its ID in a few different ways depending on your scenario and preferences. Here are some common approaches:

  1. Auto-generated IDs (Database-Generated IDs): If your entity's ID is auto-generated by the database (e.g., using an identity column in SQL Server), Entity Framework will automatically update the ID property of your entity after it's been inserted into the database. Here's an example:

    using (var context = new YourDbContext())
        var entity = new YourEntity { /* Set entity properties */ };
        context.SaveChanges(); // This will insert the entity into the database
        // Now, entity.ID will contain the auto-generated ID assigned by the database
        int insertedId = entity.ID;

  2. Retrieving ID after SaveChanges: If you are not using auto-generated IDs or if you're not sure whether your ID is auto-generated or not, you can retrieve the ID after calling SaveChanges() method. Entity Framework will update the entity with the generated ID if it's available.

    using (var context = new YourDbContext())
        var entity = new YourEntity { /* Set entity properties */ };
        context.SaveChanges(); // This will insert the entity into the database
        // Reload the entity from the database to get the generated ID
        // Now, entity.ID will contain the ID generated by the database
        int insertedId = entity.ID;

  3. Using output parameters (stored procedures): If you're using stored procedures for insertion and they return the generated ID as an output parameter, you can retrieve the ID after calling the stored procedure.

  4. Let's assume you have a stored procedure named InsertEntity that inserts a new record into the database and returns the generated ID as an output parameter.

    using (var context = new YourDbContext())
        var entity = new YourEntity { /* Set entity properties */ };
        var generatedIdParameter = new SqlParameter("@GeneratedId", SqlDbType.Int)
            Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
        context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC InsertEntity @Param1, @GeneratedId OUTPUT",
                                           new SqlParameter("@Param1", entity.Param1),
        int insertedId = (int)generatedIdParameter.Value;

    In this example, @GeneratedId is the output parameter of the stored procedure, and after executing the stored procedure using ExecuteSqlCommand, you retrieve the generated ID from the output parameter.

  5. Querying for the entity after insertion: After inserting the entity into the database, you can query for the entity using its unique properties to retrieve its ID.

  6. using (var context = new YourDbContext())
        var entity = new YourEntity { /* Set entity properties */ };
        context.SaveChanges(); // This will insert the entity into the database
        // Query for the entity using its unique properties to retrieve its ID
        var insertedEntity = context.YourEntities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.UniqueProperty == entity.UniqueProperty);
        if (insertedEntity != null)
            int insertedId = insertedEntity.ID;

    In this example, UniqueProperty represents a property that uniquely identifies the entity. After inserting the entity into the database, you query for the entity using this unique property to retrieve its ID. If the entity is found, you can then access its ID property.

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