5 Multiple Files/Images upload examples in Asp .Net

In this tutorial we will explore 5 different examples to upload multiple files/images using asp .net. Files/Images will be uploaded with or without a page postback.

Using FileUpload Control To Upload Multiple Files In ASP.NET

Asp .Net tutorial with examples about multiple file upload using FileUpload control in Asp .Net. The asp:FileUpload control provides us a Text Box and browse button which enables users to select a file from our local computer and upload it to the server.
We will aslo discuss some of the most commonly used properties of file upload control like ContentLength,ContentType,FileName and HasFile.

jquery blueimp file upload example in asp .net

In this asp .net tutorial we will learn about How to use Blueimp jquery file upload in asp .net to upload multiple files with progress bars . Blueimp jquery file upload has multiple features like:

  1. Multiple file selection.
  2. Progress bars.
  3. Drag and drop support.
  4. Chunked file upload support.
  5. Resumable file uploads.
  6. Client size image resizing.
  7. Many more...

Mini jquery file upload form in asp net

In this tutorial we will learn about how to use Mini AJAX File Upload Form in asp .net to upload multiple files with progress bars. Mini AJAX File Upload Form provides users a choice to drag/drop files or they can browse files to the uploader. Mini AJAX File Upload Form in asp .net also displays cool progress bars during file upload.

High quality image thumbnails in asp .net using Imageresizer

In this asp .net tutorial we will learn how to create high quality image thumbnails with custom height and width in asp .net using imageresizer.

Multiple image upload with thumbnails example in asp .net

 In this asp .net tutorial we will learn how to use Ajax Control Toolkit's AjaxFileUpload control to upload multiple images with thumbnails. We will also save information of uploaded images and thumbnails to SQL Server database. Then we will show uploaded thumbnails using Datalist control. 

Image Thumbnail Example in Asp .Net

In this Asp .net tutorial we will learn how to upload images and create thumbnails. Thumbnails are very use full when we want to create Image galleries, Image slide shows etc as they are of small size and thus increase the website speed and also saves bandwidth. For this tutorial we will use FileUpload control to upload images. 

AjaxFileUpload example to upload multiple files in asp .net

Mulitple file upload example in asp .net using AjaxFileUpload with drag and drop feature. AjaxFileUpload is free control which is a part of Ajax Control toolkit.

Rename file name during uploading in Asp .Net

 In this article we will see how to rename file name during uploading in asp .net. Renaming of files is really important when you want to upload your files using your custom names. For this article we will use  FileUpload control to upload files and inbuild .Net methods to rename and upload file.

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