Client side validate checkboxlist using custom validator in Asp .Net

 In this article we will see how to validate checkboxlist at client side to make sure that at least one item is checked. To do this we will use custom validator control and javascript. 

Java script







Custom Validator



Final Output

Asp.Net Ajax Control Toolkit tutorials.
Thanks Anuj this was awesome. Easy to understand easy to implement.
3-Oct-2013 From  Himanshu
Good Article Thanks
6-Feb-2014 From  Dom
You are welcome dear.
9-Feb-2014 From  Anuj
gr8 article.. it really helped me alot.... thanks
11-Feb-2014 From  Harshal
This works perfectly, but only AFTER the second submit. Is this a unique problem? I have the checkboxlist and validator in a custom control which is dynamically added to a page.
21-Feb-2014 From  Kerry Wano

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